Top Twenty Issues 99

Top Twenty Issues: June 1999 - Dec 1999
1. presidential elections
2. Hillary Clinton and the New York Senate Race
3. budget surplus and tax cuts
4. George W. Bush's personality and history
5. Pat Buchanan
6. clemency for Puerto Rican FALN members
6. John McCain and campaign finance reform
8. Waco investigation
8. Chinese espionage at the Los Alamos nuclear lab
10. JFK Jr.'s death
10. Al Gore
10. the Reform Party
13. nuclear test ban treaty
13. Columbine shooting and gun control
15. Jesse Ventura
15. Brooklyn Art Museum exhibit vs. Mayor Giuliani
15. Egypt Air Flight 990
15. Barak and the Middle East peace process
15. Bill Bradley
15. Monica Lewinsky and Kenneth Starr
15. Kosovo
15. terrorism