Information about Roger Jenkins' ties to the tobacco industry
(provided by Jon Krueger)

Oak Ridge's connections to tobacco industry:
on slide 2, CIAR acknowledges "special contributions" from RJR; Jenkins is a co-author.
Gives a good idea of where CIAR stands on the tobacco industry; in "Some Sampling and Analysis Group Favorite and Useful Links" it turns out their favorites include industry PR websites, specifically Philip Morris and RJR "Tobacco Issues" sites. Forces is also a favorite and useful. Tobacco BBS is listed but described as "News on Tobacco from an Anti Standpoint"

Jenkins "research" cited by tobacco industry friend ABI:

According to Ed Sweda (letter to editor, Providence (RI) Journal, June 22 2000):

In September 1997, Mr. Jenkins testified on behalf of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Miami in the class-action lawsuit by nonsmoking flight attendants against the tobacco companies. The judge in that case barred him from testifying about his ETS studies because R.J. Reynolds's assistance with field work and lab analysis made the research suspect.

In 1995, Mr. Jenkins received funding from a tobacco industry-funded organization, the Center for Indoor Air Research (CIAR).

The authors of a 1996 study on CIAR-financed projects noted that Mr. Jenkins "stated that CIAR had approached him with a proposal for his project, and that he and his colleagues had developed the study methodology with input from CIAR, R.J. Reynolds and Bellomy Research (a marketing research firm)." The authors cite CIAR tax records that show that ORNL received $797,892 in 1993 for Jenkins to conduct a study titled "Determination of Human Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke." It is no surprise that Jenkins's work trivializes the importance of workers' exposure to ETS.
(repeated at

News report on Jenkins getting barred as a witness:

Jenkins' testimony to OSHA which includes his story on how he came to "collaborate" with RJR:
Makes for some highly interesting reading. RJR's marketing research firm Bellomy designed the initial questionnaire; through subcontractors they recruited field subjects; they assisted with field operations; they made choices of locations and cities; they coded subject demographic data. So, why did Jenkins use Bellomy? "Bellomy Research was suggested to us by the Center" (CIAR). From this and the rest of Jenkins' testimony here, I think you could conclude that RJR ran the "research", got the results it wanted, and with DOE's name attached to them. Some really great quotes:

MR. HOPPER: Okay. So you had Bellomy, who did the market research end of this...


MR. HOPPER: ...whom you testified, who largely has represented and done work for R.J. Reynolds and the tobacco industry based in Winston-Salem. Correct?


MR. HOPPER: And you have R.J. Reynolds, who is doing the analysis on this. You have CIAR who is providing the grant, the contract, with a Board of tobacco companies, and Mr. Guerin on their Advisory Board.

I just have one question for you: Did it ever occur to you at any point that it might possibly affect the outcome of this study when it has that much involvement by the tobacco industry, who has a financial stake in the outcome of these proceedings?


MR. HOPPER: Well, now, you're a tobacco chemist, and we're talking about ETS and you're very knowledgeable about nicotine. Do you believe nicotine's addictive?

DR. JENKINS: I do not have the... I don't have the professional expertise to comment.


More information about Roger Jenkins:

