From the Forces International website 5/6/04

Anti tobacco dolts: But would you want your daughter to marry one of them?

May 5 - Summer approaches, school's almost out and the sap is rising, at least for normal young people. For some sad cases in anti-tobacco la-la land the warm weather signaled an all-expense trip to East Hanover, New Jersey where a gang of self-conscious adolescents gathered together, at the expense of the taxpayers, of course, to rally before the doors of the Altria, known and loved best as Philip Morris. The gang of teenage robots had been shipped in by anti-tobacco operatives to conduct a "protest" against the world's largest cigarette maker during the annual shareholders' meeting. Instead of studying for their finals or even hanging out as normal young people do at this time of year, the young fanatics made, under the direction of their adult handlers, posters protesting smoking. Hitting the street at 6:30am they marched, chanted and sang. A few were allowed into the august corporate halls where they discovered to their horror that corporations are all about making money for the shareholders.

Of course this stunt was arranged by the operatives of another corporate interest, far more predatory and powerful that the de-balled tobacco industry. The pharmaceutical industry is hoping to eliminate cigarettes and replace them with patches, gum, and other cessation devices that rise in value each time a smoking ban is imposed or a tobacco tax is raised. The teenagers are merely window dressing, pawns as it were, in a struggle over market share. They were sorely used and abused but at least the exercise sifted the losers from the normal kids.

Local youths protest tobacco giant

Note: Kudos to Anne Morrow Donley of VA GASP for bringing the Forces
site to my attention