April 23-24, 2003
Richmond, VA

April 23, 2003

April 24, 2003

April 23, 2003

Licensed to Kill, Inc
We're Rich, You're Dead!

Photo credit: AP/Wayne Scarberry

Statement by Stacey Folsom
Infact Organizer

Virginia Statehouse Capitol
April 23, 2003

It is thrilling to see so many of us here today. Look around you - you are looking at the next generation of activists who will work to stop the abuses of deadly corporations like US based Philip Morris/Altria. As Americans, we have a particular responsibility to hold these corporations accountable-corporations based here in the US are some of the deadliest. We are here today to demand change!

The incorporation of Licensed to Kill-a corporation with the stated intent to kill millions of people worldwide is a clear demonstration of the need for a major change in how corporations operate in our society. Our governments are giving their seal of approval to corporations that profit at the expense of public health, human rights, and the environment. We are here today to demand change.

Today corporations have amassed unprecedented power in this world. This concentration of power in the hands of the greedy few not only severely compromises our ability to create a free and democratic society, it contributes to the death and abject poverty of millions across the globe! We are here today to demand change!

It is our job to take this power back! We stand here today in the home of a corporation that is the leading contributor to 4.9 million agonizing tobacco-related deaths worldwide-every year. For ten years people have come to Richmond to challenge this corporation to stop its deadly practices, and millions across the globe are calling for an end to abusive corporate practices. Today, we join with this growing corporate accountability movement and say to the world, we demand change!

Essential Action's Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control program links tobacco control groups in the U.S. and Canada with groups in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Central/Eastern Europe to monitor and resist Big Tobacco's global expansion.
For more information, visit our website